

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?”, asked the Greek philosopher, Epicurious.

Perhaps like me you might not align philosophically with Epicureanism but you have to hand it to the man, he had a few solid thoughts. His question above is one of my favorites as his challenge sits firmly on a bed of C4. How and when we answer it will likely blow our minds, our hearts and our habits to kingdom come—propelling us toward that extraordinary ordinary life we all dream of.

Buckle up, Buttercup. We’re going deep.

Do we know what is best for ourselves? Of course, we do. Or, do we? Some people are not wired to think of themselves or contemplate what is best for them personally. For those who give and serve sacrificially, this is a foreign concept. Without answering the question, boundaries are subconsciously negated and joy drained to the point of self-annihilation. However, answering the question honestly can alter every aspect of our lives forever. BOOM.

For those of us who know what is best for us, we must ask the question: Are we contributing to it? If not, why? Are we too lazy, too comfortable, too fearful (or all three?) to take the action required to do what could change the course of our lives for the better? Upon close examination of our thoughts and habits, we often find they are in direct conflict with what we really know in our heart as best. BOOM.

Demand!?! Should we be so bold as to strive, expect and demand that which is of the upmost importance to our physical health, our relationships, our emotional and mental well-being? This feels haughty and self-centered. But is it? What is best for us is often best for those whom we love—for we love our best when we are at our best. BOOM.

If Epicurious were writing to us today, I think he might phrase his challenge more directly:

How long are you going to wait before you demand of yourself to adopt a healthy diet and lace up those tennis shoes?

How long are you going to wait before you demand of yourself the courage to close the door on that toxic relationship that is poisoning your mind, body and soul?

How long are you going to wait before you demand of yourself to invest your time and energy in relationships with those who encourage and support you?

How long are you going to wait before you demand of yourself the action required to deal with the stress that is dismantling your emotional and mental well-being?

Seriously. How long are you going to wait to demand what is best for you?


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